Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Struggle Bus Goes Intercontinental

It's official...the struggle bus makes stops all over the world.  My 10am Storia d'Italia class is 2hard to pay attention in.  Listening to someone speak for 2 hours completely in Italian takes more attention and focus then I have available due to my inability to create a legitimate sleep schedule (aka sleep at all).  I literally spend the last hour of the class writing the names of the people sitting around me in fun fonts and doodling simplified versions of various disney characters, including but not limited to...The Muses from Hercules, Micky, Minnie, Ariel, and Genie.  Let me just say...Grazie a Dio that there is a book about this stuff that I can read before the exam.  I cannot wait for the university classes to start...hopefully I can get my fat ass off the struggle bus and hop on the motivation express, but until then I'll just have to absent-mindedly doodle through these history lectures for the next 2 weeks.

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