Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Dai, Brooke!" -- Una serata con Fabio

Okay, so one of the language partners, Fabio, invited a couple of us to have dinner at his apartment tonight, and it was actually the most adorable thing I have ever experienced in my life!  We got to his apartment and he had already set the table out on the balcony for us.  We drank some great rosĂ© and white wine and ate a delicious meal.  We had fiori di zucca (pumpkin flowers) as antipasti which was followed by an amazing traditional bolognese pasta dish called tagliatelle.  Oh and by the way, on the table was a basket of bread that he had made HIM-fucking-SELF! Is that a joke? Actually 2perfect and 2good.  Anyway, booboo then brings a huge tiramisu made with gelato and a bottle of limoncello out to the table.  It was amazing.  Everything was so delicious.  He was so sweet and adorable.  It was a great night.  And every time one of the girls in our program, Brooke (obsessed with her in a big way), would say she didn't want to eat any more or take the limoncello shots, he would say "DAI, BROOKE" or "come on, brooke" in the cutest and most hilarious way (Just a little background on the title of the post).  He's a great guy and a lot of fun.  Can't wait to go out hard and get shitty with him for his birthday next week...ERRRRBODY IN DA CLUB GETTIN' TIPSY next week cause we GUNNA PARTY LIKE IT'S HIS BIRFDAY!!

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