Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Liquid Heroin?

So I have become COMPLETAMENTE addicted to blood orange juice: any kind, every kind, any time.  I honestly think they might be putting heroin in it in order to get foreign students addicted.  I go through an entire carton in every sitting.  Once I decided to take a sip....that's it, the carton's gone.  I crave it.  Its all I think about sometimes.  Its like a controlling, needy mistress.  It always requires my attention, even though I have so much other shit I should be worrying about.  My bigger, and more important question, however, is why the hell don't we have blood orange juice everywhere back in the States? I don't know how I'm going to survive without it when I return.  I wonder if they have a support group of some kind here...

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